

英漢字典: wear on

1. pass gradually or slowly in time (時間)慢慢地過去;緩緩消逝

    The snow will melt as the day wears on. 雪隨著白天時間的消逝而融化。

    As the hours wore on,he grew more and more impatient. 時間慢慢地過去,他越來越不耐煩了。

2. continue繼續

    The boys'quarrel wore on all afternoon. 孩子們吵吵鬧鬧,持續了整個下午。

    The battle wore on through the night. 戰鬥持續了一夜。

3. become angry;irritate;tire激怒;使惱火;使疲倦

    Having to stay indoors all day long is tiresome for the children and wears on their mother's nerves. 孩子們整天呆在家裡很厭煩,也使得他們的母親感到焦躁不安。

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